Dictionary.com Word of the Day

Friday, February 3, 2012

Survival of the Fittest

Author’s Note: My professor asked our class to write a brief analysis, and I thought it was a great example of how two seemingly different topics can be compared. The interesting part was that each student in my class had very different answers, which really shows how the point of view and background of the reader can lead to a variety of interpretations!

Background of assignment:

My professor asked our class this week to view this short (funny) clip of a gazelle running into a tree in front of two lions: http://youtu.be/n7VtyfQywXY ( note, if you can't link to this, search for "gazelle and lions" on youtube)

She then asked us to compare this to the following African saying, using the mind of a researcher:
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up knowing it must run faster or be killed.  Every morning, a lion wakes up knowing it must outrun the slowest gazelle or starve to death.  It doesn’t matter whether you are a gazelle or a lion; when the sun comes up, you had better be running.”

My Response:

In any profession, you must constantly be looking for the most effective and efficient methods in order to stay ahead of the game and keep up with the times.  This is similar to the gazelle and the lion, who must always strive to be ahead of their competitor (predator or prey, respectively) in order to survive. 

However, as with the misguided gazelle (who, one can infer, will unfortunately become a snack for the lions), a skilled professional must always make sure to choose the specific direction of their research carefully.  Otherwise, their efforts may end up being useless or illogical—and no one wants to spend so much effort on something that isn’t worth it in the end.

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